Services of water delivery LaVie, Vinh Hao, ion Gold Alkaline, ion Life to customers in Ho Chi Minh City.

In this present, iWater is supplying pure water and pure water to thousands of households as well as stores located at Ho Chi Minh city. iWater has set up hundreds of points of fast delivery warehouse in 24 districts of Ho Chi Minh city. Contact us as soon as you need (028)73 099 799 to the fastest delivery. With a quantity of 3 or more botles/boxes, we deliver without ship charge.

Có thể bạn quan tâm
We deliver free of charge for orders of 3 or more bottles/box per carton, applicable to customers within the radius of Ho Chi Minh City, and a radius of 5km from locations located on the distribution channel. iWater don't accept orders 1 bottle/box, please respect your customers, with a quantity you can directly go to the iWater water points to buy and change the bottle.

From 8h to 19h30 per day, applicable for both holidays and Sundays.
Delivery time is within 2h (hours) will be delivered from the time we receive the order.

There is no bottle with a bottle cap of 50,000 VND / bottle
Note: The iWater branded water shells are complementary.
LaVie, ion Life, I-on Gold, Vinh Hao, Vihawa

For customers, the elevator fee is VND 2.000 / bottle / floor

When the customer don't want using iWater's service, you can return the vase case
1- Bring to the iWater points to pay enough bail
2 iWater to withdraw the tank in the amount of less than 10 shells to recover 15,000 VND / time
3- More shells please contact us

iWater Co. Ltd
Address: 48 Nguyen Thi Huynh, Ward 11, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tax code: 0314 380 803
Phone: (028) 7309 9799 Fax: (028) 3847 9806
Website: http://iwater.vn Email: nam@iwater.vn

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